

Overview of Phink

Phink is a blazing-fast⚡, property-based, coverage-guided fuzzer for ink! smart contracts. It lets developers embed inviolable properties into smart contract testing workflows, equipping teams with automatic tools to detect vulnerabilities and ensure contract reliability before deployment.

Dashboard overview


Key features

Property-based testing

Phink requires developers to define properties directly within ink! smart contracts. By prefixing functions with phink, such as fn phink_assert_abc_always_true(), you create properties that act as assertions. During testing, the fuzzer checks these properties against every input, which is a set of ink! messages. If a property’s assertion fails, this triggers a panic. An invariant has been broken! This method ensures thorough validation of contract logic and behavior.

Coverage-guided fuzzing

In order to become coverage-guided, Phink needs to instrument the ink! smart contract. Feedback is transmitted to the pallet_contract via the debug_message. Although the fuzzer currently adds feedback on each line executed, Phink is designed to evolve. It will eventually monitor coverage across new edges and code branches.

Why use Phink

Phink addresses security concerns in these three main ways:

  1. Automatically generate and test a diverse range of inputs
  2. Detect edge cases, logical flaws, and bugs leading to contract state reversion
  3. Explore different execution paths by generating input mutation

This extensive testing identifies bugs and potential flaws early in the development cycle, empowering teams to fix vulnerabilities before deployment and deliver safer applications.