Concepts and Terminology


Fuzzing in general

Fuzzing is an automated software testing technique that involves providing random data inputs to a program. The primary goal is to uncover anomalies, such as crashes, assertion failures, that signify potential vulnerabilities.

Property-based Fuzzing

Property-based testing involves specifying properties or invariants that your ink! contract should always satisfy. In Phink, these properties act as assertions. Phink uses this approach by allowing developers to define properties directly within ink! smart contracts. Such properties are then tested against varied inputs, ensuring the contract maintains its invariants across all possible data conditions.

Coverage-guided Fuzzing

Coverage-guided fuzzing is a fuzzing strategy that focuses on maximizing code coverage during testing. It uses feedback from code execution paths to guide input generation, focusing on unexplored parts of the code. Phink instruments ink! smart contracts to track code coverage, optimizing its fuzzing efforts by targeting less examined paths.



A corpus refers to the collection of all input samples used during the testing process. It is continuously updated with new inputs that lead to unique execution paths.


A seed is an initial input provided to the fuzzer to start the testing process. Seeds serve as the starting point for generating new test cases and are crucial for initializing a diverse and effective fuzzing campaign. A strong set of seed inputs can significantly enhance the fuzzing campaign.


Invariants are conditions or properties that must remain true at all times during the execution of a program or contract. In property-based testing, invariants are used as assertions to verify the consistent behavior of smart contracts under various input conditions. Breaking an invariant indicates a potential bug or vulnerability.


Instrumentation involves modifying a program to collect runtime information such as code coverage data. In fuzzing, instrumentation is used to trace execution paths, enabling coverage-guided techniques to generate more informed and effective test cases.


Coverage is a measure of how much of a program’s code is tested during fuzzing. High coverage corresponds to a good assessment of the contracts logic.

Contract Selectors

ink! contract selectors are unique identifiers for functions within ink! smart contracts. Selectors are derived from function signatures and are used to call specific functions within a contract deployed on the blockchain.