Getting Started with Phink


System Requirements

To successfully install and run Phink, ensure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Operating System:

    • Linux: Recommended for compatibility.
    • macOS: Not recommended as it doesn’t support some AFL++ plugins.
    • Windows: Untested.
  • Rust:

    • Version: Rust nightly
    • Current Compatibility: cargo 1.83.0-nightly (ad074abe3 2024-10-04)

Installation Guide

You can install Phink by building it from the source or by using Docker. Choose the method that best suits your setup.

Building from Source
  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone && cd phink/

    You can also use:

    cargo +nightly install --git
  2. Install Dependencies

    cargo install --force ziggy cargo-afl honggfuzz grcov cargo-contract --locked
  3. Configure AFL++

    cargo afl config --build --plugins --verbose --force
    sudo cargo-afl afl system-config
  4. Build Phink

    cargo build --release
  5. Run Phink

    ./target/release/phink --help
    phink --help # if installed via `cargo install`
Using Docker
  1. Build the Docker Image
    docker build -t phink .

For detailed Docker instructions, refer to

Basic Workflow

  1. Instrument the Contract

    • Use Phink to instrument your ink! smart contract for fuzzing.
  2. Configure Fuzzing Parameters

    • Edit the phink.toml file to set paths, deployment settings, and fuzzing options according to your project needs.
  3. Run Fuzzing

    • Execute fuzzing with your configured settings to identify vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.